3 Truths to Battle Working Mom Guilt

Do You Feel Like You’re Not a Good Mom? 3 Truths to Battle Working Mom Guilt and Shift Your Perspective Lets explore what mom guilt really is, why we feel it, and how we can navigate it.


Do You Feel Like You’re Not a Good Mom? 3 Truths to Battle Working Mom Guilt and Shift Your Perspective

Hi Sweet Mama!

In this episode we are talking about mom guilt!

Do you feel like you’re not a good mom? I share 3 truths to battle working mom guilt that will help shift your perspective. We talk about what mom guilt really is, why we feel it, and how we can navigate it. I also help you identify if your mom guilt is warning you that something needs to change or if it’s unfounded.

Praying for miracles and victories for you!

Rooted in God’s love.

Cynthia 💖

Rooted Motherhood Method: Shepard and Connect with Your Kids through Kingdom Parenting - as a busy working mom biblical parentingcourse coming soon-I CANNOT wait to share what God has put on my heart for you, sweet friend!

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Email: rootedworkingmom@gmail.com


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